Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pink chenille slippers at work?

There are those times in life...days, weeks, moments...when you feel as if you just can't take any more. I've had one of those recently. Meetings that stretch on for hours, return messages and to-do lists that seem endless and stress pressing in on all sides. It's at these very times that this high achieving self-motivated performer feels like sitting and doing nothing.

In the face of overwhelming work loads, challenges and tasks, my mind drifts away from this meeting on revenue to my pink chenille slippers and a glass of wine. Is it a sign if I'm thinking of wine by 10 am? I digress.

But no fear! I know the cure. At the close of the meeting, I promptly slip away, reach for my cell phone, dial up that trusty phone number and get an appointment. I'm feeling better already.

Yes it does the trick every time...a hair appointment and new pair of earrings.  There, I'm feeling much better!

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