Monday, April 12, 2010

Living in the Here and Now

Sitting in church on Sunday and listening to the pastor speak I hear him say, "I've been on a time clock."  He was speaking of his time with devotions and how he easily tries to rush through to get to the next thing to do in his day. It gets me thinking.

How often do I put others on a time clock?  Have I been so busy with school, housework, life that I am antsy and distracted to the point that I miss relationship because I have "so much to do?"  Shush!  That's a rhetorical question, please don't answer out loud!

Actually, I know the answer.  I have been busy...crazy busy. I have indeed been processing life on a "to-do list" and getting through the things I must get done today. One check at a time, I have been living my life.  But as I stop to consider the true treasures in life, I have missed it.

I have missed the here and now for fear of not finishing, not accomplishing, not...whatever.  I'm challenged to live in the here and now. To be fully present right here, right now, for this moment.  Somehow that revelation makes the tension melt from my neck, the strain in my face relax and my heart feel a bit brighter.

I can do right here, right now.  Afterall, that's all I really have.


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