Sunday, May 16, 2010

What do you think about that?

My son has decided that his life calling is to join the Army...which he has done and with 7 weeks until his departure, I am sorting through all manner of emotions and decisions.  But I find it fascinating that when I try to tell others about his life choices that the most common response is, "what do you think about that?"

I think in this process I have learned something about both of us.  I adore my son, my oldest and would do anything to protect him.  But most of all, I want to see him happy and leading a life he loves!  I can't be selfish in this moment.  He wants to do this and I will send him off with as much support as he deserves. 

Am I scared? Of course.  I'm a mother; worry is hard-wired.  But I am proud.  Proud that he is willing to choose what is right for him, proud that he is a kid who wants to make something of his life and proud that we have raised a decent and honest kid who will represent this great country in which we live.

What do I think of this?  Well, I'll tell you. My son is going to be an army soldier.  He will be a really smart, good soldier.  I'm proud of him, proud of us and worried.  After all, isn't that a mama's liberty?


  1. Hi Sally. My stepson Ryan joined the Army last summer, graduated as Soldier of the Cycle (meaning #1 out of 600 guys) and is readying to deploy to Afghanistan next month. He arrives today for a visit with us. It's scary for sure, but to see my young man morph into An American Soldier has made me proud beyond words.

    Will your son be at Ft. Benning?

    Barbara MacDonald

  2. Awesome! We're proud of him! Give him my love! I'll keep him in my prayers!
