Friday, January 1, 2010

Change - not just for change's sake

Looking out at the rainy grey and white view from our window, I am feeling a little sentimental today. New Years does that to me.

You see, I am the kind of person that loves change.  Change of seasons, start of a new year or school term and to my husband's shagrin, rearranging furniture.  Sure, I get teased for the constant change in my home, decorations, paint colors, etc. But, in reflecting about this certain need for constant transformation in my life, I discovered something.

I am a possibility person.  I have dreams, ideas and things I want to do with my life that would fill four lifetimes.  I want to help others, make this world a better place, lift up someone else who helps others, make a difference in our neighborhood and be a friend to the needy (and yes, if I knew how, provide this world with peace!)  But most of all, I want to see my children spread their wings and fly.  I want to see them succeed and be happy and find the perfect person in life who is their soul mate and makes them even better. I want them to love life and the path they are on and enjoy the people and opportunities that life brings their way.  Now what does this have to do with furniture placement and whether my spring decorations are out by March? Bear with me, I'm getting there.

As I muse, I realize, the one thing in life that makes me happiest of all is to know I have taken care of and blessed my husband and children. I guess in life, by making a home cooked meal, growing fresh vegetables, making our home a comfortable place they want to be, I am taking care of my most precious priority. Then we are free to be able to help others, together.

I believe deeply in the principle of "what goes around, comes around."  Call it Karma, coincidence or divine intervention, but I know that as I live a life seeking growth and change, trying to better myself each year, week, day, that I will be able to see the needy helped, the down trodden lifted up and my own discouraged teen buoyed by love and acceptance.

So for 2010, I'm going to change!  I intend fully to love those close to me better, to help when it is in my power to help.  Oh, and of course to rearrange often.  Happy New Year - may you be blessed with kindness, grace and love.  Give it and you will receive.

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